At the first Doctor of Smiles seminar in 2011, Edward Sterling, DDS, (Achbar Grotto) aptly described what a Dr. of Smiles does and who he is in the following way:
A Doctor of Smiles is a:
Grantor of Help
The Doctor of Smiles is key to the operation of the Grotto dental program. Doctors of Smiles are not actual doctors -- they are the Grotto representatives in the community who work with families, dentists, and the Humanitarian Foundation to ensure that special kids get special smiles. They are your direct connection to the Humanitarian Foundation and will help you complete the application for your child’s dental care and answer any questions you may have about the Dental Care for Children with Special Needs program. If there is no Doctor of Smiles in your area, you may contact the Humanitarian Foundation directly at 614-933-0711.
The current Doctor of Smiles for Alla Grotto is Danny Janes.
Email: Contact the Doctor of Smiles
Phone: 469-879-5758
Dental care for individuals with special needs is the answer to a long-standing medical need. By virtue of their special needs, many children cannot receive traditional dental services. Dentists with specialized training are needed to care for these children.
Members of the Grottoes of North America have labored diligently to provide the necessary fund toward improvement in the oral health status of special needs children, who for some reason beyond their control are too often excluded from the mainstream of dental care.